Author Archives: fobif

Campbell’s Creek–past and present

Readers who have followed the intermittent controversies over whether vegetation along creek valleys raises flood levels might be interested in the picture below, showing Campbell’s Creek, looking downstream from the Gaulton St bridge in 1946:           … Continue reading

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Tarilta: a revealing clean up

Readers will remember our original report on the destructive ‘reduction burn’ in the Tarilta gorge, with a picture of a choked creek at the Limestone Track crossing. This section of the creek has now been cleared of debris, presumably by … Continue reading

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‘So what if Newstead is flooded?’

A fascinating collection of old photos of our waterways collected by the Catchment Management Authority gives a bit of a sense of how far things have changed in the last sixty odd years. The picture below of the Loddon river … Continue reading

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Trying for cooperation on fire

Members of FOBIF and the North Central Victorian Combined Environment Groups met with DSE officials in Bendigo on Wednesday May 9 to discuss how we might have some more positive influence on the upcoming Fire Operations Plans. It’s fair to … Continue reading

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What next for the northern catchments?

The Draft 2012-18 Regional Catchment Strategy is now out for public consultation, and anyone interested in land health in this area should be concerned to look over what the North Central Catchment Management Authority will, in theory, be using as … Continue reading

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Land restoration: is ‘local provenance’ enough?

About 70 people turned up to Sutton Grange on Tuesday night to hear Melbourne University’s Ari Hoffman deliver a stimulating talk about how landcare groups  might approach revegetation projects to cope with a rapidly changing climate. His talk was the … Continue reading

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FOBIF poster available again

The poster, pictured at left, was produced by FOBIF and Connecting Country late last year. It contains 63 photos highlighting the beauty of our local bushlands. The first edition sold out but there are now more copies available from The … Continue reading

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2012 Mamunya photo exhibition

FOBIF’s 2012 Mamunya photo exhibition will be held in Tog’s Cafe Castlemaine from June 7 until July 13. The purpose of the exhibition, as for its predecessors held in Newstead and Wesley Hill in the last two years, is to … Continue reading

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Change to Walks Program

Due to unforseen circumstances we have had to make a change in the FOBIF walk’s program. Doug Ralph will now be leading the walk to Tarilta Gorge on 17 June and Malcolm Fyffe will be leading his Yandoit walk on … Continue reading

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Mapping Kalimna’s weeds

Following our efforts to persuade authorities to concentrate fuel reduction efforts on areas close to settlement, and to integrate them with weed clearance [see our post Weeds are for burning, Feb 21], FOBIF has proposed a weed mapping project for … Continue reading

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