Author Archives: fobif

Plant some understorey, check out a weed

FOBIF is planning an understorey planting and weed attack working bee at the famous Chewton Yellow Box on National Tree day, Sunday July 29, from 10 am to 12 noon.                   The … Continue reading

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Municipal Fire Plan [2]: a preliminary look

The draft Mount Alexander Municipal Fire Management Plan is now out for consultation, as we reported below. The draft contains some interesting information and some puzzling features. Among the former: The authors note that a community survey before the draft … Continue reading

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Mount Alexander municipal fire plan

The Mount Alexander Shire Council, together with the CFA, DSE and other agencies and groups [not including FOBIF], has developed a community fire plan for the next three years. The plan is on display in the Castlemaine Market Building from … Continue reading

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Tall Greenhoods are flowering

The Tall Greenhood Pterostylis longifolia is one of 16 local species of Greenhoods. Worldwide there are 120 species with about 100 of these endemic to Australia. Along with other Greenhoods, this one lures insects, usually gnats, to the plant with pheromones. When … Continue reading

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FOBIF photo show at Tog’s Cafe

The latest FOBIF Mamunya exhibition opened at Tog’s Cafe in Lyttleton Street, Castlemaine last Friday. It runs till the 13 July. The exhibition continues a tradition the Friends started in 1999 with their first Mamunya festival. This word comes from … Continue reading

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Soil protector: unobtrusive, and undervalued?

FOBIF’s moss group met at the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens last Saturday to move the project further towards its target: to publish a field guide to mosses of the region in Autumn next year. This is not an eccentric interest in … Continue reading

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Have your say on the catchments

FOBIF has made a brief submission to the North Central Catchment Management Authority on the draft Regional Catchment Strategy 2012-18. Apart from offering a bit of constructive criticism of some of the language in the document which makes it sometimes … Continue reading

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World Environment Day to be celebrated this Sunday in Castlemaine

To celebrate World Environment Day in our Shire, an community fair will take place in the Castlemaine Market Building from 9am-1pm on Sunday 3rd June. Whether people are interested protecting our diverse plants and animals, or sustainability initiatives and green technology … Continue reading

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Places available for Alison Pouliot’s fungi workshop

There are still places available at Alison Pouliot’s Fungi Ecology Workshop this coming weekend in Inglewood. The workshop details are posted at:

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FOBIF walk to Spring Gully

Eighteen people turned out for the May FOBIF walk led by Barbara Guerin and Lionel Jenkins. The walk was largely focussed on the area’s mining history and Dominique Lavie took a series of terrific photos which are reproduced below. The … Continue reading

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