Author Archives: fobif

Bird discovery tour

Thirty-seven people came along to Geoff Park’s recent FOBIF walk in the Muckleford Forest. The focus was on birds and despite the large group it was possible to see and hear a fair range. These included Striated Thornbills, Weebills, Grey … Continue reading

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Zone 3: what’s going to happen there?

As we reported on our website last month, DSE has released the draft Fire Operations Plan for consultation. Although FOBIF has many concerns about the plan, and urges members to consult it and make a submission based on their local … Continue reading

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The view from St Arnaud

The St Arnaud Field Naturalists Club has made a detailed submission to DSE regarding the draft fire operations plan for the St Arnaud area. Below we reprint part of the covering letter attached to the submission. Although of course conditions … Continue reading

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Little Monster?

The beautiful creature pictured below is an early instar caterpillar, from the genus Doratifera, probably Doratifera oxleyi. These moths are commonly called cup moths. It was found in suspended by a thread in an area of severely damaged bushland in … Continue reading

Posted in Nature Observations, News | 6 Comments

Restoring the Moolort Wetlands

Nick Layne from North Central CMA will be giving a presentation on Restoring the Moolort Wetlands at a Newstead Landcare Group meeting this Thursday. These wetlands are west of Newstead and adorned with numerous stunning Red Gum swamps which, when full, become home … Continue reading

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Looking after a Yellow Box

As part of National Tree Day on the morning of 29 July, 15 volunteers planted 240 indigenous plants under the ancient Yellow Box tree at Chewton. Low plants, ground covers and shrubs were planted under the tree and larger shrubs … Continue reading

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Forests under attack from leaf miner

Visitors passing along the Porcupine Ridge Road in recent weeks have noticed that trees on both sides of the road, both in the National Heritage Park and the Upper Loddon State Forest, are looking extremely stressed, presenting a desolate sight.  … Continue reading

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Fire Operations Plans: have a look!

Draft fire operations plans are now out. DSE proposes three burns in the Muckleford forest, two major burns in the vicinity of Tarilta Creek and Middleton Creek, and several burns closer to Castlemaine township, including Kalimna Park. Details can be … Continue reading

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FOBIF response to fire operations plans

The following is FOBIF’s draft submission on the Fire Operations Plan [see above]. Member feedback is invited: GENERAL COMMENTS 1. We believe that as far as possible, burn areas be small: less than 100 ha. In zones 1 and 2, … Continue reading

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Monitoring report advises abandonment of 5% target

The independent Bushfires Royal Commission Implementation Monitor, Neil Comrie, has released his July 31 report on the progress of implementation of the Commission’s many recommendations. The Monitor’s report takes aim at the five per cent burning target: it  ‘questions the … Continue reading

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