Author Archives: fobif

Fire: DSE responds to FOBIF submission

We have received a response from DSE to our submission on the draft Fire Operations Plan.  We will be making a comment on this response and the state of consultations on fire management after the upcoming meeting between DSE and … Continue reading

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Local water birds

The diversity of water bodies in and around Castlemaine provides the opportunity to view a variety of birds. One of the largest is the Great Egret. This bird can be seen along the edges of swamps and larger dams such … Continue reading

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Garden birds around Castlemaine

Damian Kelly was the guest speaker at the FOBIF AGM in August. His presentation was about observing local birds in our gardens and he included many excellent photos, including the three below, of birds from his Lyttleton Street garden. Damian … Continue reading

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Hear Don Watson reflect on ‘The Bush’

Don Watson will be the guest speaker at this years Muckeford Landcare Annual General Meeting. ‘Xartec’ from the Lancare Group writes that Don Watson is one of Australia’s wittiest, original thinkers and raconteurs, and is currently completing a book on … Continue reading

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Get informed about National Parks

Parkwatch, the magazine of the Victorian National Parks Association, has gone online in an easy to read ‘flipbook’ format. The magazine is quarterly: it’s professionally produced, very informative…and it’s free. To subscribe, click here. The current issue contains, among others, … Continue reading

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Heavy response to Fire Operations Plan

A DSE forum on the draft North West Region Fire Operations Plan has been postponed from mid September to early October to allow DSE to process the exceptionally heavy response to the plan: more than 200 submissions have been received, … Continue reading

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A walk in the Park

Thirteen hardy walkers braved dire weather forecasts of rain and cold to do a circuit at the very south end of the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park on Sunday. The weather turned out, in fact, to be mild. The walk … Continue reading

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‘The only effective way of measuring change’

The August meeting of the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club featured a talk by Ern Perkins on systematic environmental monitoring over time: ‘the only effective way of measuring change.’ The following report is based on a more detailed account in the … Continue reading

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Kalimna Park burning: a response

The following is the response submitted to the DSE draft Fire Operations Plan by the Friends of Kalimna Park. The Department proposes to burn two sections of the Park: one, bounded by the tourist road, the town boundary and Hunter’s … Continue reading

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Fire Operations Plan: a detailed response

FOBIF’s detailed response to the draft Fire Operations Plan for our district is published below. We will know the effect of this and other responses to the draft plan when we attend a meeting with DSE in Bendigo in mid … Continue reading

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