Author Archives: fobif

A Spectacular Orchid

Three FOBIF members recently went to Old Coach Road in the Fryers Ranges to have a look at the Giant Sun Orchid Thelymitra aristata. In contrast to our normal small orchids this one was 81 cm (32 in)  and can apparently reach … Continue reading

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Last walk for 2013

The last FOBIF walk of the year was to the Fryers Ranges on Sunday 21 October. Twenty-three people enjoyed a sunny walk along a series of paths including the interestingly named ‘No Name Track’ and onto Fryers Ridge. Richard Piesse … Continue reading

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Forest Creek in 1852

Marjorie Theobald has sent us this interesting account of the condition of native vegetation in the Forest Creek area in 1852. It’s by botanist Daniel Bunce, who was a reporter for the Argus. He later became the founder of the … Continue reading

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Honeyeaters raise the alarm

Sitting quietly in my garden I get to watch Silvereyes as they go about their foraging. These beautiful little birds are quite common in local gardens. If you remain still you can often be rewarded with very close views. Silvereyes … Continue reading

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Woolley Bear munches on a Greenhood

Doug Ralph has taken another terrific photo of a Woolly Bear, this time upon a Greenhood. The two holes you can see suggest feeding has begun. The caterpillars of the Arctiidae are mostly covered in dark hairs, which gives them the name … Continue reading

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What’s On In October?

20 October – Presentation on Indigenous Plant Use by Dr Beth Gott of Monash University. Event organised by Baynton Sidonia Landcare Group. 21 October –  Free Community Event organised by Campbells Creek Landcare Group. 22 October – Last FOBIF walk for the … Continue reading

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Bendigo fire meeting [1]: what’s happening on the ground?

On Tuesday October 9 DSE officials met with about 30 individuals and representatives of conservation groups to discuss outcomes of the consultation process around the Fire Operations Plan. The discussion was limited by the fact that the biggest factor in … Continue reading

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Bendigo fire meeting [2]: zones and other problems

Some anguish was expressed in the meeting about the inflexibility of the zones. Members will recall that we are concerned at the large Zone 1 area on Mount Tarrengower, and the Zone 2 south of Guildford. The fact is that … Continue reading

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Invasive species: new legislation in prospect

FOBIF has made a short submission to the Department of Primary Industries as part of the consultation process for the preparation of a new Invasive Species Management Bill. The submission is in response to a discussion paper released by DPI. … Continue reading

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Get to know your weeds

The North Central Catchment Management Authority has released a Weeds Identification Guide for the region. In many ways it’s an improvement on previous guides, because the photos are better and many species are illustrated by more than one picture. Unfortunately … Continue reading

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