Author Archives: fobif

Should prospecting be extended?

The State Government has directed the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council to nominate areas in six National and State Parks where recreational prospecting will be allowed. Details of the brief are here. FOBIF has made a submission to VEAC, which reads … Continue reading

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2013 Fungi program announced

Fungi expert, Alison Pouliot, has returned to Australia and will  be offering ‘a series  of seminars, workshops, forays and feasts’ in April and May. Most are reasonably close to Castlemaine – Glenlyon, Woodend, Trentham and Creswick. So if you’re interested in … Continue reading

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FOBIF loses at VCAT on Diamond Gully development

The objections by FOBIF and some local residents to current proposals to build a housing development at Diamond Gully were rejected at the Victorian Administrative Appeals Tribunal in December. The VCAT decision was reported in detail in the Midland Express … Continue reading

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Poverty Gully Burning [1]: what’s it for?

The Poverty Gully management burn [CAS 008] was a Zone 1 fuel reduction exercise covering 99.6 hectares on the Castlemaine town side of the Dingo Park road, north of Poverty Gully Track. It was conducted late last year. The Arthur’s … Continue reading

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Poverty Gully Burning [2]: a review

Here are some impressions of the Poverty Gully burns. We’ve divided them into six sections, and would be interested in any further member comments. We’ve made no effort to assess the burns’ success in reducing fuel. The interdepartmental shemozzle problem … Continue reading

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Have your say about creek flooding

A public meeting to get community ideas on the flood problem in our local creeks will be held on Monday February 18 at 6.30 pm at the Castlemaine Town Hall. The meeting is being held by the Catchment Management Authority, … Continue reading

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Garden birds in Castlemaine

Damian Kelly has contributed this article on birds in his Castlemaine garden. To see previous posts by Damian on garden birds, click here and here. This summer has seen a much reduced number and range of birds in my garden … Continue reading

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The satisfied looking individual above was photographed by John Ellis at Golden Point last week. He was ‘a friendly chap, who didn’t mind posing at camera height.’ Koalas are not uncommon in our area, with some landholders reporting sightings every … Continue reading

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Rosella fledgings display their colours

Several Eastern Rosella fledgling recently fell out of a nest box in John and Marie’s yard at Golden Point. They landed in saltbush below where the adults fed them for a week before they finally flew off. A week or … Continue reading

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The cup moth caterpillars have come in their millions and munched away, but it seems that they’ve gone to pursue their careers as moths, and the bush is responding accordingly. Green shoots are appearing everywhere, and things aren’t looking anywhere … Continue reading

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