Author Archives: fobif

Rubbish plague continues

It’s hard to put figures on the problem, but it seems that rubbish dumping on public land is increasing. The latest outrage is on the Doveton St extension in Kalimna Park, where a collection of mouldy armchairs has been deposited, … Continue reading

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Orchids, moths and gold

Twenty walkers led by Barbara Guerin and Lionel Jenkins took on a ten kilometre circuit around Crocodile Reservoir and Heron’s Reef for FOBIF’s June walk last Sunday. Highlights included a couple of early orchid sightings—the area is a superb wildflower … Continue reading

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Prospecting extension

The Victorian Environment Assessment Council has named areas in six National and State Parks where prospecting could be permitted. This is in addition to areas where this activity is already allowed—like State Forests and other tracts of public land (including … Continue reading

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Fungi guide

Wombat Forestcare has produced a handy guide to the Fungi of the Wombat Forest and Macedon Ranges. The guide comes in the form of a hardy folder, and has over a hundred large postage sized photos with succinct information on … Continue reading

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Moss matters

The photo below shows ecologist Paul Foreman doing a briefing on Mount Alexander on plans to boost the population of Southern Shepherd’s Purse with a special seeding program. The plant [Ballantinia antipoda] is found only on the Mount, and its … Continue reading

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If it glows like a fire…

Twenty five walkers did the stroll from Clinkers Hill Reserve deep into the Poverty Gully area on last Sunday’s monthly FOBIF walk. Walkers got a briefing from Julie Hurley on weed clearing and restoration work in the reserve by the … Continue reading

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Government fire program careers wildly on

The State Government has announced a ‘major milestone’ in its management burning program: ‘more than 200,000 hectares of planned burning already carried out on public land this financial year.’ And there’s more to come: we’re heading for the biggest artificial … Continue reading

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What’s the prospect for rural land?

The Mount Alexander Shire has released a Future Directions Paper on rural land in the shire as part of its rural land study. The paper emphasises the importance of keeping a viable agriculture as part of our rural landscape, but … Continue reading

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The Coliban gets a drink

Following expressions of concern by local residents at Taradale [and by FOBIF–see our April 18 post] about the state of the Coliban river, Coliban Water started a small release of four megalitres a day into the river last week. Four … Continue reading

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Poverty Gully: achievements, and puzzles

FOBIF members have had a preliminary look at the CAS 107 Zone 2 Arthur’s Track management burn in Poverty Gully this week. The exercise, conducted last Friday April 4, was the continuation of the burning operation begun late last year. … Continue reading

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