Author Archives: fobif

The Monitor reports: How’s the research and reporting going?

On the subject of monitoring and reporting, almost everything in the Monitor’s Report referred to developing strategies, frameworks, ‘additional measures’ to be implemented: to things that are going to be done, not things that have been done. Meanwhile, the burning … Continue reading

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The Monitor reports: thinking about maybe changing tack…

 On the subject of the hectare target, Mr Comrie appears to accept the Government’s view that all is going well in the development of an informed approach to fuel management: but most of what he cites as evidence for this … Continue reading

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This year Golden Point Landcare has been coordinating a project involving weed control, site preparation and revegetation works being undertaken by 7 Landcare and Friends Of groups along Forest Creek and its catchments, through funding from the Australian Government’s Caring … Continue reading

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When houses are built near bushland…

 FOBIF was told at the July 15 briefing in Bendigo that if a development of fifty houses or more is placed within 300 metres of public bushland, that bush will be rezoned to Zone 1, Asset Protection. This information is … Continue reading

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A walk in the mist

Twenty five walkers led by Jelsje Veenstra took on a cold and misty Mount Tarrengower on Sunday the 21st. They missed out on some great views because of the limited visibility, but got a good look at the Mountain’s heritage … Continue reading

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Modelling: a glamorous new prospect? Don’t get excited yet.

Participants at the July 15 Bendigo information session on the Fire Operations Plan were briefed on the ‘Risk Landscapes’ project. This consists of running models of different fire scenarios and fuel reduction exercises through a computer to see how they … Continue reading

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The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the Box Ironbark Forests will be held at the Castlemaine Continuing Education Centre, Templeton St Castlemaine, at 7.30 pm on Monday August 12. Guest speaker Ian O’Halloran will speak on the land … Continue reading

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Fire: how much information does the public need?

 As previewed in our July 2 Post, FOBIF members went to Bendigo on Monday night for an information session on the upcoming Fire Operations Plan. The draft plan will be made public on August 1. Experience has taught us to … Continue reading

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Fire Operations: how much information?

FOBIF and other groups have been invited to an information session in Bendigo on July 15 on the upcoming Fire Operations Plan. We have accepted the invitation, but have asked that the meeting specifically address how past monitoring and research … Continue reading

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How wide should a bush track be?

FOBIF has once again questioned Parks Victoria about its track maintenance policy, after complaints from members about track works in the Fryers Flora Reserve and the Diggings Park. Complaints centred around the tonnes of blue metal put on some of … Continue reading

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