Author Archives: fobif

25 April – FOBIF photographers at TOGS

FOBIF is having another photo show at TOGS Cafe and Gallery, 56 Lyttleton Street, Castlemaine. The title of the show, Small Wonders, reflects the surprising discoveries people often make when they take a close look at nature. All photos are … Continue reading

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Muckleford forest walk

The second in FOBIF’s program of walks for young people took place on Sunday, with thirteen participants plus leaders taking on a circuit in the Muckleford forest. The two hour walk included nature observations and consideration of DEPI interpretation panels–including … Continue reading

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April 2014: Going with the flow: Ecological photography by Damien Cook

There will be an exhibition of Damian Cook’s photographs from 5 April till the end of the month at the Castlemain art gallery, CASPA. Damian is a local ecologist whose work includes monitoring environment health and the revegetation and restoration of … Continue reading

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Next generation of field naturalists explore Kalimna Park

The first FOBIF family forest walk took place on Sunday 23 March. About half of the 28 people who came along were children. Doug Ralph who was a member of Friends of Kalimna many years ago began the morning with … Continue reading

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First FOBIF bushwalk for 2014

About 20 walkers of all ages set off from the Chewton Post Office along the Forest Creek Track on the first FOBIF bushwalk of the year. Local resident, Marie Jones, led the walk. First stop was to appreciate the landscape … Continue reading

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Public forum on our waterways

The North Central CMA has produced a Draft Regional Waterways Strategy (2014-2022) which is currently open for public comment until 10 April 2014. The Waterway Strategy sets priorities and outlines an action plan for the region’s rivers and wetlands for the … Continue reading

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20 March 2014 – Damian Kelly to speak on Indigenous fish traps

Every year Newstead Landcare Group is fortunate to have some remarkable people present on an amazing array of topics and 2014 promises to be another such year. Their first presentation will be “Combining Ecology and Archaeology – researching Indigenous fish … Continue reading

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23 and 30 March 2014 – Youth and Family Forest Walks

This year FOBIF has expanded its walks program to include 2 family walks and 2 youth walks. Everyone is welcome on these walks, not just young people and children. The first of the family walks will take place on 23 … Continue reading

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Sustainability and Environment Round Table

Mount Alexander Shire Council held its first Sustainability and Environment Round Table at the Council Chambers on Thursday March 6th.  Relevant stakeholder representatives were invited and about 40 people came along to discuss the Terms of Reference that had been … Continue reading

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Do words matter?

Readers will remember that in our post on the new waterways strategy we commented that climate change and its consequences for our waterways seemed to have been written out of policy. Instead we got bland references to ‘natural climate variability’, … Continue reading

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