Author Archives: fobif

A budding group of springtime learners

A group with representatives from six families heard Ern Perkins give an introduction to one of his favourite places to visit and study in Castlemaine at Kaweka Reserve on Sunday 28th September. The group of parents and small children, aged … Continue reading

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Reducing your weeds may reduce your rates

The Mount Alexander Shire Council offers subsidised rates to landholders who have undertaken environmental protection works on their property. It is a yearly rate reduction on properties when the owners can demonstrate that they have completed eligible environmental work activities. As well, … Continue reading

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7 & 28 September 2014 – Youth & Family Bushwalks

The Spring Youth Bushwalk will be held on Sunday 7 September in Poverty Gully. Young FOBIF member, Nioka Mellick-Cooper, received a grant last year from the Mount Alexander Shire Council’s Youth Grants Program to run bush walks around Castlemaine for younger … Continue reading

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Petition about the Wellsford Forest

Several weeks ago we wrote a post about the Wellsford Forest Conservation Alliance efforts to upgrade the Wellsford Forest to national park status. The group is concerned that at present the forest, with nine 500-year-old ironbark trees, is vulnerable to logging and firewood … Continue reading

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A walk in Kalimna Park

FOBIF’s June walk to Kalimna Park was led by retired geologist Julian Hollis. There were twenty walkers. Luckily the rain held off and the morning was good for brisk walking. This was the second of Julian’s walks with the group to … Continue reading

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May FOBIF walk on Mt Alexander

Starting and finishing at the Oak Forest, Doug Ralph led the group of about 20 around the western flanks of Mt Alexander, taking in 2 or 3 disused granite quarries. Doug related some interesting stories from the history of these … Continue reading

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FOBIF Moss book launch

The FOBIF publication, Mosses of Dry Forests in South Eastern Australia, will be launched by Frances Cincotta on 31 May. The launch invitation can be downloaded here. Everyone is welcome to attend. An order form which includes a sample page … Continue reading

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New fungi poster from FOBIF

FOBIF has produced an attractive and informative poster about Fungi of the Mount Alexander Region. The A2 poster will be available for sale ($5) at the launch of the FOBIF moss guide on 31 May. You can also purchase it from … Continue reading

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FOBIF walk to Poverty Gully and Eureka Reef

Fifteen people came on the 12 km April walk to Poverty Gully and Eureka Reef. The weather was perfect for walking with the sun shining and a light breeze. We followed the water races for most of the time weaving … Continue reading

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Box-Ironbark Forest survey

FOBIF is currently conducting a survey of members and other interested people about our local natural environment. Information from this survey will be used to produce a flyer. Click on the image below to see a PDF version of the … Continue reading

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