Author Archives: fobif

Bird watching at Rise and Shine

Led by Geoff Park, twenty-five people walked leisurely around the Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve last Sunday (March 16). This was first FOBIF walk for this year. The Reserve is 30 minutes drive from Castlemaine and south of Newstead. Many people had come … Continue reading

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Is Our Forest Changing?

Ern Perkins will be the guest speaker at Castlemaine Landcare AGM on Monday 23 March (7.30pm upstairs at Herons Gallery, cnr Lyttleton and Hargraves Streets, Castlemaine – followed by supper). Everyone is welcome. His talk, Is Our Forest Changing? will be based … Continue reading

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Mysterious, Mosquito-munching Micro-Bats!

Newstead Landcare’s first presentation for the year will be on Saturday 28th March at 3pm by Dr Lindy Lumsden, a wildlife ecologist at Arthur Rylah Institute  The talk will be at the Newstead Community Centre and everyone is welcome to … Continue reading

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Artists respond to local environment and cultural history

There are a number of local nature and history-based exhibitions as well as a ‘Trees of Significance’ tour that FOBIF members and subscribers might like to view or take part in during this year’s festival period (March 13-22). The information here comes from … Continue reading

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Community farewell for Doug

More than 150 people gathered to celebrate Doug Ralph’s life in the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens last Saturday afternoon (7 March). Bev Geldard who acted as MC began by reading an excerpt from a 2014 interview with Doug published in Earthsong magazine.  Sasha … Continue reading

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First FOBIF walk for the year

Geoff Park will be leading our first walk for 2015 this Sunday (15 March) to the Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve which is south of Newstead (locate on Google maps). The walk will be fairly short (4 km). Either meet at the … Continue reading

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What do you think?

Do you want your creeks to look like this (Bendigo Creek): or this (Forest Creek with gorse and blackberries): or this (Forest Creek where Castlemaine Landcare has been working for years)? The North Central CMA is receiving submissions from the … Continue reading

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Grey Box now in flower

If you see a Eucalypt in flower at this time of the year it is likely to be a Grey Box Eucalyptus microcarpa. They generally flower here from mid-February to April. (Yellow Box Eucalyptus melliodora has just finished flowering and the next Box … Continue reading

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MAS Environment questionnaire

The Mount Alexander Shire Council have started work on their 2015-2025 Environment Strategy. As part of this process, they are interested in learning what local residents and groups consider to be the 5 highest priorities for environment and sustainability in the Mount … Continue reading

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Photos of Doug Ralph

We are in the process of setting up a page of photos of Doug on FOBIF’s Flickr site. So if you have any photos you would like to contribute to this page, send them to Photographers will be acknowledged.

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