Author Archives: fobif

Presentation on Bushfire at Newstead Community Centre

This Thursday (October 20) there will be a presentation, Protecting from Bushfire, Protecting our Biodiversity, at the Newstead Community Centre starting at 8 pm. All are welcome to attend. Newstead Landcare has sent us the following information on the event: As … Continue reading

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Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park survey

Parks Victoria is currently reviewing the Heritage Action Plan for the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park: We want to know about the places you value within the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park, find out about issues of concern and get … Continue reading

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End of the year FOBIF excusion to Bells Swamp

Bells Swamp is well known for its beautiful old Red gums, waterbirds and wetland plants. The area in flood again after our higher than average rainfall over the last few months. FOBIF is planning a one-off excursion to the swamp on Saturday  17 December … Continue reading

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Local community conversation about fire

Understanding Fire in our Landscape: A Community Conversation is a community event being held on the weekend of the 12-13 November 2016, in Newstead. The project has been initiated by the Muckleford Forest Friends Group and based on one of the activities … Continue reading

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Followup to the launch of FOBIF Eucalypt guide

If you missed the launch of the FOBIF publication, Eucalypts of the Mount Alexander Region, you can now see the morning’s proceedings thanks to Chris Timewell from Connecting Country who filmed the event and put together this terrific video. The guide … Continue reading

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Big turnout for Eucalyptus book launch

The Eucalypts of the Mount Alexander Region book is now launched and more than 200 copies were sold on the day. Bernard Slattery, Ern Perkins and Bronwyn Silver signed many copies and buyers also received 2 bookmarks with photos from … Continue reading

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Update to FOBIF Chewton walk

Elaine Bayes and Damien Cook who were the leaders on our recent Chewton bush walk showed us that by looking closely at a small area you can often see an amazing number of plants. They identified 25-30 in the square metre they selected. … Continue reading

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Reminder: Launch of FOBIF Eucalyptus ID book on 24 September

Next Saturday (24th September) the new FOBIF publication, Eucalypts of the Mount Alexander Region, will be launched by Geoff Park in the Castlemaine Library foyer at 10.30. Refreshments will be provided and everyone is welcome. The book is a community project … Continue reading

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Brilliant walk despite the weather

Our September FOBIF walk was led by local environmentalists, Elaine Bayes and Damien Cook, in the Chewton area off Dingo Park Road. Although the weather didn’t look promising, the rain held off and walkers enjoyed slowly wending their way through masses of Early Nancies … Continue reading

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A Magnificence of Raptors

It’s always a special feeling – that tingling mixture of excitement and awe when you catch sight of a bird of prey on the wing. And then the question comes – “what is it?”. If you’ve asked yourself this question, … Continue reading

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