Author Archives: fobif

FOBIF AGM coming up

The 2017 FOBIF AGM is on at 7.30, 10 July 2017 in the Ray Bradfield Rooms. Guest speaker will be Brian Bainbridge from the Merri Creek Management Committee. All are welcome and you can find out all about it here.  … Continue reading

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Still time to be part of FOBIF TOGS exhibition

The selection criteria are very broad for this year’s TOGS Cafe exhibition, Mountains and Waterways. All photos submitted that are taken around water and mountains in our region will be included on our Flickr site and considered for the exhibition. … Continue reading

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FOBIF AGM update

As outlined in a previous post, this year’s FOBIF AGM will be held at 7.30, July 10 in the Ray Bradfield Rooms. Details including how to nominate for the FOBIF Committee can be found here. Supper will be served and … Continue reading

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Impressive regeneration along Campbells Creek

Ian Higgins led 18 people on a terrific walk along Campbells Creek last Sunday on the fourth FOBIF excursion for the year. The group joined the walking and cycling track at the back of Tonks in Lewis Drive, followed the … Continue reading

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The 2017 FOBIF AGM will be held on Monday July 10 at 7.30 pm at the Ray Bradfield Rooms, beside Victory Park, Castlemaine. Our speaker this year will be Brian Bainbridge who has recently moved up to our district. For many … Continue reading

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Launch of interpretive signage of Forest Creek

On Sunday 7 May more than thirty people gathered to launch some new interpretive signage of Forest Creek. Part of the signage design can be seen in the photo here taken at the Monster Meeting site and we encourage people … Continue reading

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Update on FOBIF exhibition at TOGS

Our FOBIF Flickr site now has some stunning photos on this year’s exhibition theme, Mountains and Waterways. The exhibition dates have been moved to August/September but there is still plenty of time to send in your photos. Details of how to be … Continue reading

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2017 Wetland Plant Identification Course

Registrations are now open for the Wetland Plant Identification Course run by Damien Cook and Elaine Bayes. The course starts on 18 October 2017 and runs for 3 days. Participants can elect to do 1, 2 or all 3 days. Each … Continue reading

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Doug Ralph celebration day

Teana Amor has just completed a film, ‘Doug Ralph Celebration Day‘, which is available through YouTube. This is a comprehensive film about the day people came together in the Botanic Gardens on 7 March 2015 to remember Doug who was the … Continue reading

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Geological tour of Castlemaine

On our second FOBIF walk for the year on Easter Sunday local geologist, Clive Willman, led a group of 16 through Castlemaine streets and up to the Burke and Wills monument. Along the way he discussed the type and source of rocks … Continue reading

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