Author Archives: fobif

Local wetland needs your help

The Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare Group needs helpers to plant hundreds of plants into one of the only remaining creek-side wetlands left in our district. The group is holding a wetland information day and working bee this Sunday the … Continue reading

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FOBIF 2017 breakup

On Monday 11 December Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forest is having a BBQ at Bronwyn Silver’s place in Walmer. It starts at 6 pm and the address is 1036 Muckleford-Walmer Road, Walmer.  BYO *  food to share, including something for … Continue reading

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Presentation on Tuans this Thursday

This Thursday evening 19th October Newstead Landcare Group is hosting a presentation by PhD candidate Jess Lawton. Jess is studying the Tuan or Brush-tailed Phascogale, a threatened and declining species of the Box-Ironbark country. The presentation will start at 8pm at … Continue reading

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New wetland ecology and training courses

SERA 2016 award winning ecologist Damien Cook and Elaine Bayes have sent us information on their upcoming wetland courses. NEW: THE WONDERFUL WETLAND ECOLOGY BUS TOUR, 12 & 13 OCT 2017 Join us on a bus tour through some of … Continue reading

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FOBIF September walk

The sunny forecast for last Sunday meant a big group came to our second last FOBIF walk for 2017. We set out from near the corner of Spring Gully Road and Fryers Road and proceeded across country to Crocodile Reservoir … Continue reading

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Don’t miss this show

Mountains and Waterways, our latest photographic exhibition at TOGS cafe, finishes on Thursday 28 September. Photos range from a closeup of leaves underwater to landscapes of Mount Alexander and Mount Tarrengower. There are also 5 terrific birds on water images … Continue reading

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Gardening for Wildlife

On Sunday 22 October a seminar on Gardening for Wildlife will be held in St Arnaud. Expert speakers including Castlemaine-based Cassia Read will discuss how to create habitat for native wildlife in home gardens. The event is free and you … Continue reading

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Mighty mountains? Rushing rivers?

Mountains and Waterways is the title of the latest photo exhibition of the Friends of the Box Ironbark Forests. Don’t expect shots of mighty snow capped peaks or Amazonian streams—though there is one intriguing shot of Mount Alexander under snow, and … Continue reading

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Chewton mines and bushlands

The August FOBIF walk attracted 17 walkers despite the extremely cold early morning temperatures. Fortunately it soon turned out to be a sunny winter’s day which was perfect for a leisurely bushwalk along the Poverty Gully Reservoir Track and water … Continue reading

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Superb local resource launched

Wild Plants of the Castlemaine District by Ern Perkins had just been made available online! The guide gives identification, locations, preferred habitats and history of hundreds of native and introduced plant species found in Castlemaine and surrounding areas. It can … Continue reading

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