Author Archives: fobif

Fryers Ranges walk: 15 September

Sunday saw a modestly sized group of 14 walk a circuit in the Fryers Ranges behind Taradale led by Christine Henderson. The walk was conducted at a relaxed pace with plenty of stops for plant and wild-flower photography and identification. … Continue reading

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‘Creatures’ photos

The closing date for entries to the FOBIF ‘Creatures’ project is 1 October so there is still time to send us your photos. The exhibition at TOGS cafe will open on 12 October and finish at the end of November. … Continue reading

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FOBIF AGM: Monday 27 August 2018

Ian Higgins, well known local landcarer and co-founder of Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare, will be our speaker at the upcoming FOBIF AGM on August 27. In an article about Ian after he received the Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award … Continue reading

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More photos for ‘Creatures’ project

Newstead photographer, Patrick Kavanagh, has generously contributed many of his terrific nature photos to our FOBIF exhibitions. Here are five of Patrick’s most recent offerings.  Click on each photo to enlarge. You can see our ‘Creatures’ Flickr page here and … Continue reading

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More stunning photos for our ‘Creatures’ project

Antoinette Birkenbeil, one of the authors of the recently published Native plants and animals of the Chewton bushlands has just sent us two wonderful photos of a Blue-banded Bee Amegilla cingulata. Antoinette has contributed many photos to our FOBIF photo shows … Continue reading

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Launch of new book on fungi

Next Saturday, 4 August, the fungi book that Joy Clusker and Ray Wallace have been working for over 3 years will be launched. Fungi of the Bendigo Region covers the area from Kamarooka in the north to Mt Alexander in … Continue reading

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New annual bird photography competition

BirdLife Australia has launched a new annual bird photography competition.  Submissions are now open and close on Monday 6 August.  There are seven different categories as well as a youth segment. You can find all the information on this Birdlife website.

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‘Act for Birds’ roadshow next Saturday

Castlemaine has a new Birdlife Branch and Birdlife is visiting next weekend with their ‘Act for Birds’ roadshow. Jane Rusden, Convener of Castlemaine District BirdLife Group has asked FOBIF to publicise this event which be focused on grassroots advocacy, with short … Continue reading

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‘Creatures’ collection growing

There have been some interesting contributions to our Creatures photo collection over the past couple of weeks. Vivienne Hamilton sent us a terrific photo of this Red Wattlebird shaking itself off.  You can see more of Vivienne Hamilton’s photos in … Continue reading

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Yellow Gums stand out

Yellow Gums Eucalyptus leucoxylon change more from season to season and are more colourful than all other local eucalypts. Their copious shedding of bark in summer is commonly accompanied by a dramatic colouring of trunks for months. After the rain is … Continue reading

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