Author Archives: fobif


Jase Haysom, well known local map maker, will be our speaker at the upcoming FOBIF AGM on 9 September. Jase describes himself as ‘an incidental cartographer’: I did not consciously decide that I would become a cartographer. It seems that, … Continue reading

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TOGS show

Noel Young has sent us this beautiful photo of the Castlemaine Spider Orchid for our TOGS photo project. Photo submissions need to be in by August 19. You can find the guidelines here and you can see the project Flickr album … Continue reading

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Another terrific photo for our TOGS show

Damian Kelly has sent us a photo of two young Yellow-footed Antechinus (Antechinus flavipes) peeping out of an old fence post. People might remember Damian’s Antechinus photo (second one) that was very popular in TOGS show last year. There are … Continue reading

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First notice for FOBIF 2019 AGM

The 2019 FOBIF Annual General Meeting will be held this year on Monday September 9 at 7.30pm in the Ray Bradfield Room. More details about the program and guest speaker are forthcoming. Do you want to play a role on … Continue reading

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More photos coming in for TOGS show

We now have over 4o beautiful photos for our Box-Ironbark Forests photo project. Click on Janet’s photo below to see the photos displayed on Flickr. You can send photos for this project till the 19 August. See here for the … Continue reading

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Another terrific photo for our TOGS show

Mitchell Parker sent us this atmospheric photo of a Cherry Ballart Exocarpos cupressiformis on Mount Alexander on a misty morning. You can find out how to contribute photos to the TOGS show here.  And don’t forget that entries to the Eucalypt photo … Continue reading

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First photo for our TOGS show collection

As mentioned in a previous post this year’s TOGS show will run from 19 September till 24 October and the theme is a general one about our local Box-Ironbark Forests. The closing date for the submission of photos is 19th August. … Continue reading

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Wetland Plant Identification course

Registrations are now open for the Wetland Plant Identification Course 2019 run byDamien Cook and Elaine Bayes. The course starts on 31 October 2019. To find out more click on the image above.  

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Call for photos

This year’s FOBIF exhibition will be a general one about our local Box-Ironbark Forests. TOGS Cafe in Castlemaine will host the exhibition in September and October 2019.   It will be our 6th photo exhibition at TOGS and our 10th overall. … Continue reading

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First National Frog Count

Local frog expert, Elaine Bayes, has forwarded the latest information on Australia’s first National Frog Count: In just one year, FrogID has generated the equivalent of 13% of all frog records collected in Australia over the last 240 years. The … Continue reading

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