Author Archives: fobif

Short video on fungi by Alison Pouliot

Alison Pouliot has given us the link to her terrific new video on fungi. Check it out if you’d like a neat summary of fungi in under 5 minutes from an expert.

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Walks on again!

It looks like we will be able to have our Sunday 18th October walk in the Chewton Bushlands led by Antoinette Birkenbeil and Karen Baker due to changes in lockdown regulations. Check out the walks page for more details about … Continue reading

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Send a card to stay in touch . . .

Our greeting cards are now available from Buda, 42 Hunter St, Castlemaine, Friday to Sunday, 1-4 pm and Falkner Gallery, 35 Templeton Street, Castlemaine, Thursday to Saturday, 11-4 pm. We can also deliver them if you live reasonably close to … Continue reading

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FOBIF July walk: Exploring the valleys

Yesterday’s FOBIF walking group was divided into two for the expedition into the upper reaches of the Columbine Creek catchment—COVID 19 regulations obliging us to keep each group’s numbers below ten. The two groups approached the circuit from opposite directions, … Continue reading

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Next FOBIF walk on 19 July

The planned FOBIF walk led by Jeremy Holland will take place next Sunday 19th July. We will meet as normal at Community House in Templeton Street, Castlemaine at 9.30am. Total walk distance will be 8.5 km and you will need … Continue reading

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NEW FOBIF greeting cards

Eight new FOBIF greeting cards (series 2) are now available. They feature photographs of our local bushlands by Frances Cincotta, Joy Clusker, John Ellis, Patrick Kavanagh, Sarah Koschak, Doug Ralph, Bronwyn Silver and Albert Wright. Our first series has now … Continue reading

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Have your say on cats and dogs

Recent research, funded by the Australian government’s National Environmental Science Program, has reviewed data from more than 60 studies on domestic cats: Domestic cats are killing an estimated 230m native Australian birds, reptiles and mammals every year, according to new … Continue reading

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FOBIF walk in Fryers Ridge

The first FOBIF excursion since March attracted a group of 10 walkers. The forecast didn’t look good but it turned out to be good walking weather with no wind or rain. Christine Henderson who led the walk and lives in … Continue reading

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FOBIF walks are back!

The planned FOBIF walk led by Christine Henderson will take place next Sunday 21st June in the Fryers Ridge area. It will be between 6 and 8 km. Due to current restrictions and regulations we can only have a maximum … Continue reading

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New find in Muckleford Forest!

A small population of a daisy-bush never found in Mount Alexander Shire before (as far as we know) has been discovered in bushland to the north of Newstead. Found growing under Grey Box and Yellow Gum trees, the erect daisy-bush … Continue reading

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