Workshop on culture, white privilege and racism (14 free spots available)

The FOBIF committee will be participating in a workshop with John Bonnice (Co-Chair of the Bendigo Reconciliation Committee) on Thursday 13th March at 10am in McKenzie Hill. The workshop takes 2.5 hours.

We have free spots available for the first 14 people to email us on

  • This workshop emerged from feedback from Aboriginal colleagues that groups/organisations need to promote self-reflection within staff regarding their attitudes and beliefs surrounding white privilege and racism as these beliefs and attitudes were a barrier to the partnership work with Aboriginal people and organisations. It was also expressed that non-Aboriginal people needed to carry responsibility for this conversation.

    The aim of the workshop is to enable people/groups/organisations to reflect on mainstream culture/white privilege/racism and its impact on the relationship and work with Aboriginal people and communities and our understanding of what has happened/is happening for First Nations people.

  • The workshops are a conversation using a self-reflection process
  • It is not cultural awareness training but does certainly help people prepare for cultural awareness training and further learning.
  • The workshop works best when it is done in person and not online.Sedimentary rock. Photo by Frances Cincotta 
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