Although outside our area, this talk should be interesting.
Dr Joshua Hodges will talk about the CFA, covering its structure, officer roles, the politics, decision-making, funding, the ecological consequences of fire (or its lack) in grasslands, what you can do, and what needs to change. Last year Joshua gave us the lowdown on the Wimmera grasslands.
Joshua is a fire and grassland ecologist and a CFA Vegetation Management Officer.
Joshua’s online talk starts at 6:30 pm Tuesday 4 February. The regular Grassy Plains Network meeting will follow from 7:30–8:30 pm. Register here.
This is likely to be cancelled — I was in a Grassy Plains Network meeting with Adrian Marshall Monday evening and learned that Dr Hodges is engaged in fighting fires in the west and unavailable to present his talk. Adrian is trying to secure another speaker.
Replacement speaker is Prof. John Morgan. Topic: Looking to the Future. Synopsis: His talk, Looking to the future, will discuss where we should be focusing our efforts for grassy ecosystem conservation and restoration.
I missed this talk . Was it recorded and is it available to watch ?
Thanks, Sue
Hi Sue, unfortunately that speaker cancelled. The talks are recorded and there are a number of interesting talks available, including this one