The weather and the wildflowers put on a fantastic show for September’s wildflower walk in the Fryers Ranges on Sunday September 15th. After a cold start to Spring, the bright sun, hilly track and stunning array of flowering trees, shrubs and herbs were a welcome reminder of the change of season and the warm weather to come.

Pink Beard-heath (Leucopogon ericoides) and Rough Wattle (Acacia aspera) sharing a patch. Photo Chrissi Charles
Starting on the corner of Fryers-Taradale Road and Fryers Ranges Road, Christine Henderson led the group of around 20 keen walkers on a 7km loop. The group started in a patch with a Red Box (Eucalyptus polyanthemos) and Red Stringybark (Eucalyptus macrorhyncha) overstory, but eyes quickly started pealing to the ground to take in the array of flowering shrubs and herbs giving off a show of purple, pink, red, yellow and white flowers.
Twin-flower Beard-heath (Styphelia fletcheri) was in its full white flowered glory sharing space with it’s cousin Pink Flowered Beard-heath (Leucopogon ericoides). The bush was full with a variety of yellow flowering Wattles, yellow and red Dillwynia flowers, red Downy Grevilleas (Grevillea alpina) stunning Pink Bells (Tetratheca ciliata), and a scattering of teeny herbs including Early Nancy (Wurmbea dioica), native Billy Buttons (Craspedia variabilis) and one solitary Dusky Fingers orchid (Caladenia fuscata).
The group moved at its own pace with the keen newbies picking the brains of the experienced locals and everyone enjoying the sunshine and changing landscape.
Exploring such a beautiful part of Djaara country was a reminder of the beauty that can be found in a landscape still recovering from its not so distant history of logging and the impacts of the gold rush.
Chrissi Charles contributed the above article
Birds noted by Noel Young
Grey Currawong
Grey Shrike-thrush
Yellow faced Honeyeater
Spotted Pardalote
White-throated Treecreeper
Grey Fantail
Rufous Whistler
Crimson Rosella
Scarlet Robin
Fan-tailed Cuckoo
White-winged Chough
Mistletoe Bird
- Parrot pea. Photo Noel Young
- Guinea flower. Photo Noel Young
- Grevillea alpina. Photo Noel Young
- Fairy Wax flower. Photo Noel Young
- Epacris impressa. Photo Noel Young
- Twin-flower Beard-heath. Photo Noel Young
- Scarlet Robin perched on the trunk of a Long-leaved Box. Photo Stanislaw Wawrzyczek
- At lunch. Photo Pam Connell
- Frances Cincotta explaining the difference between Silver Wattle & Black Wattle. Photo Chrissi Charles
Euan Moore will lead the last FOBIF walk for the year on 20 October to Crusoe Reservoir/Big Hill. Check out the walks page for more information.