Well over 120 people overflowed the Newstead Arts Hub on Saturday for the launch of the FOBIF turns 25 exhibition.

FOBIF president Marie Jones in the pink shirt introducing the event.
Friends President Marie Jones gave a brief run down on the group’s 25 year history, from its beginning in the lounge room of the late Ern Perkins, and paid tribute to the many members who have contributed to its ongoing success. She made special mention of Bronwyn Silver, the creator of this exhibition. Phil Ingamells followed with a tribute to founding president Doug Ralph, a man whose gentle inclusiveness was a remarkable leadership quality, and whose knowledge of the country came from walking it with quiet attention to the details of the landscape.
Alison Pouliot then opened the exhibition with some eloquent words echoing Phil’s theme. Quoting from the exhibiting artists, she emphasised the importance of beauty in understanding landscape, and especially the appreciation of the tiniest living things. Her talk will be published on this site in the coming weeks.
The exhibition, Responding to Country: Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests 1998-2023 will run on the next two weekends (March 4 & 5, 11 & 12) and Labour Day (March 13). Gallery opening hours are 10am to 4pm.
- Marie addressing the gathering
- Marie Jones and Alison Pouliot
- Guest speaker, Alison Pouliot
- Guest speaker, Phil Ingamells
- Listening to the speakers
- Two of the photographers, Liz Martin and Joy Clusker