Short walk led by Frances Cincotta
We are going to park at the junction of Upper Kangaroo Creek Track and Lower Kangaroo Creek Track and will do a 5 km loop in which we will see Common Heath and Common Correa in flower, Woolly Wattle finishing up flowering and Rough Wattle just beginning to flower.
Meet at 9:30 am in Castlemaine at the Community House in Templeton Street or 9:45 am in Taradale at the start of Old Drummond Road on the opposite side of the road to the service station. We will then go in convoy to the start of the walk.

Correa reflexa (Common Correa)
Long walk led by Jeremy Holland
Being 16 km in distance this walk is designed for those who enjoy a more energetic walk at a good steady pace.
The route has been tweaked a bit and a mixture of tracks and off-track in gullies and ridges gives plenty of interest and variety. (See photos below.)
Duration is estimated at 6 hours total being 16 km@4 km/hr = 4 hours plus 1 hour for slower off-track sections plus 1 hour for breaks.
Remember we leave the Community House in Templeton Street at 9.00 am before driving in convoy to Vaughan Springs.
I would like to join the 5km walk on Sunday, joining the group at Taradale.
This will be my first walk with FOBIF.
Could I have a chat to someone ahead of the walk, please?
Sure Janet, you can ring me on 0448751111 to talk about the walk.