FOBIF walk, 19 June 2022

Sunday’s walk starts on the Taradale-Fryerstown Road, at a parking spot near the crossing of Kangaroo Creek. We’ll make our way off track through private land up a rising ridge, leading to the Fryers Ridge Road. A couple of kilometres of easy walking south along the road will bring us to another off-track stretch, passing through beard heath gardens in bud, admiring tall hakea stands, correa reflexa bushes and early woolly wattles (Acacia lanigera) in blossom. Our return leg will take us through a forest clearing on private land, then a last gentle uphill stretch on an old vehicle track before meeting a DELWP forest track that will lead us back to the cars. Meet at Templeton Street, Castlemaine at 9.30am or in Taradale main street opposite the Metro service station at 9.45am. We will carpool to the start of the walk from there. Ring Christine Henderson for more information 0417 529 392.

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