ABC Television’s Gardening Australia program ran a segment on our local bushlands on August 20.

Gardening Australia’s Millie Ross (right) discusses carnivorous plants with Cassia Read. The program covered soil crusts, Ironbarks and quite a lot in between.
The program, filmed on the Monk, packed a lot into its 8 minute duration. Local ecologist Cassia Read invited viewers to take a close up look at their surrounds, starting from the ground up; and presenter Millie Ross reminded us that gold was just a ‘moment’ in the history of this place, and that we would do well to take the long view on what is of value in it.
You can find the program on iview, here. The segment starts just after 29 minutes.
And while we’re on the subject of looking about us, it’s National Wattle Day this Wednesday, September 1: not a big day on the calendar, maybe, but worth a moment’s reflection. We recommend Megan Backhouse’s short Age article on wattles, here.