A strong group tackled FOBIF’s June ‘long walk’ yesterday. Led by Jeremy Holland, the group ambled along the eastern lower slope of the Mount before climbing steeply past Black Wallaby rocks and on over to Lang’s lookout. The promised steep ascents and descents were duly delivered. Participants’ phones registered distances from 11.5 to 15.5 kilometres, an interesting comment on the reliability of phone apps: but we’re standing by our estimate of ‘about 12 kms’. Magnificent views were to be had to the east and north, fungi were distractingly abundant, and we were privileged to see corners of the Mount rarely visited.

Part of the walking group at Aqueduct Creek, at the foot of the Mount. The tree at the right has to be one of the biggest Red Gums in the region.
Our thanks to Jeremy for a wonderfully challenging walk, full of surprises!
Next month’s walk will be led by Barb Guerin and Lionel Jenkin over the hills to the back of the Golden Point reservoir. Owing the uncertainty surrounding virus regulations, make sure you check the website before the date.
- ‘Orange peel’ fungus
- Below Langs lookout
- Wallaby rocks

Photo by Cathrine Harboe-Ree