FOBIF’s TOGS Cafe photo exhibition in Lyttleton Street has had a good response from the public. There is no need to have coffee or food ~ just drop in and have a look at the photos. It runs until the 24th October. You can see the catalogue with a description of each photo here.
Bushy Needlewood Hakea decurrens. Photo by Julie Millowick, 2019

Northern edge of Crocodile Reservoir, July 2019. The flowering local Bushy Needlewood is growing through some of the Box Ironbark trees chopped down for the Ecological Thinning Trial. This 50 year trial by Parks Victoria is an attempt to return the Box-Ironbark Forest to a pre-goldrush state—that is trees of different heights and growth stage instead of the uniform post-goldrush regrowth.