FOBIF’s photographic show is now open at TOGS cafe in Lyttleton Street. It will run till 24 October. All photos are for sale with proceeds going to FOBIF.
Since 1999 the Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests has been conducting art and photography exhibitions and this is our tenth exhibition since 2009. Six of these have been at Togs Place. They have all had the same purpose: to honour the native forests of the region, continuing the long tradition of artistic involvement with these forests. Photographers in this exhibition are all local residents
Thank you to all the photographers who contributed photos to this project.
You can download a catalogue with a brief description of each photo here.

One of the photos from the show: Brown-headed Honeyeater (Lichenostomus melithreptus)
Photo: Patrick Kavanagh, January 2019
These very social honeyeaters are the most common in the heathy woodland. They spend much of their time in the canopy, so it’ a delight to get a close look at them when they come down to the bird bath in small flocks.