Last Sunday’s FOBIF excursion was a 5 km loop walk in Wewak Track area at the southern end of the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park. It was a warm overcast day and fortunately the threatened rain held off. Numerous plant identification stops meant that the pace was leisurely. Highlights were finding the Smooth Parrot-pea and numerous Heath shrubs in flower, seven species of Wattles, and the rare Elphinstone Grevillea. Jeremy Holland also took us a 100 metres off the track to see ‘Mr Hunts Chimney’ and a nearby extremely deep mine shaft. Lunch was at the Charlie Sanger hut ruin on the Goldfield Track.

Some of the walkers on the Wewak Track near the end of the walk.
Noel Young’s bird list
*Crimson Rosella, *Long-billed Corella, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, White-winged Choughs, Olive-backed Oriole, Grey Shrike-thrush, Fuscous Honeyeater, Yellow-faced Honeyeater, *Pallid Cuckoo, Fantail Cuckoo, Horsefield’s Bronze-cuckoo, *Grey Fantail, Rufous Whistler, White-throated Treecreeper, Spotted Pardalote, *Thornbill sp.
*sighted (otherwise from call recognition)
Thanks to Frances Cincotta and Elaine Bayes, for leading such as fascinating walk.
- Lunch at the Sanger hut. Photo by Noel Young
- Dwarf Greenhood. Photo by Noel Young
- Smooth Parrot-pea. Photo by Noel Young
- Mr Hunt’s chimney. Photo by Noel Young
- Deep mine shaft. Photo by Noel Young
- Fairy Stools. Photo by Joy Clusker
- Common Heath. Photo by Joy Clusker
- Hairy Geebung. Photo by Bronwyn Silver
- Bundled Guinea-flower. Photo by Bronwyn Silver
Next month’s walk will be and 8 km walk in bushland between Railway Dam and White Gum Track. Leaders will be Bernard Slattery and Jeremy Holland. Check the walk’s page for more detail.
It was a good walk. Fantastic photo too. I know Jeremy loves Wewak Track, I love
Morgan’s Track, after Frank Morgan.