Views north, south and west

A strong group turned up for FOBIF’s August walk in brisk weather yesterday. They were rewarded with a fine route across high ridges above Expedition Pass, with magnificent views north and south, triangulated by Mounts Alexander, Macedon and Franklin. The rain held off till the last thirty minutes, and a small group which became separated from the cavalcade demonstrated their superior bush skills by beating the rest off the crests.

Our thanks to Barb Guerin and Lionel Jenkin for devising and leading the walk, and negotiating access with several property owners: this is a superb route, but difficult to access through private property; thanks also to Bob and Lesley Northey for use of their property as a starting point, and for guiding us over the ridge at the back of Expedition Pass.

Next month’s walk will be centred on Wewak Track, at the south end of the Diggings Park. Check the program for details.

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