Local frog expert, Elaine Bayes, has forwarded the latest information on Australia’s first National Frog Count:
In just one year, FrogID has generated the equivalent of 13% of all frog records collected in Australia over the last 240 years. The submitted recordings have resulted in over 66,000 validated calls and detected 175 of Australia’s 240 known native frogs. The data has informed scientists on the impacts of climate change and pollution on Australia’s frogs including the first evidence of the decline in Sydney of the Australian Green Tree Frog; the spread of the invasive Cane Toad; and information on the breeding populations of 28 globally threatened and 13 nationally threatened frog species.
Hi I highly recommend the Australian Museum Frog ID app. It is so easy to use, you just record frog calls for 30 sec and send them off at a press of a button. This would be so useful for example for when Bibrons Toadlets are calling next Autumn as there are few records of where they are and they are very rare. Its also fun to use and helps you learn your local species.