Local guide launched

A new publication, Native plants and animals of the Chewton Bushlands, was launched on 17 March in the Tea Rooms of the Botanic Gardens. The authors are Karen Baker, Antoinette Birkenbeil and Hannah Nichols. Ian Higgins launched the guide with a speech that drew on his in-depth knowledge and experience with local regeneration and revegetation. Over 40 people attended the event. 

The guide is small in size but manages to cover 120 plants and 120 animals in its 144 pages. Although focussed on the Chewton Bushlands it will be a useful flora and fauna guide across the whole Mount Alexander Region. 


Attractively designed by local resident, Mark Carter, there are close to 200 images from 18 mainly local photographers. Leon Costermans drawings are also included. Funding for the guide was provided by the Mount Alexander Shire. If you would like a copy, contact Karen Baker on 0439 714 665, kamb@unimelb.edu.au

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