Mountains and Waterways is the title of the latest photo exhibition of the Friends of the Box Ironbark Forests. Don’t expect shots of mighty snow capped peaks or Amazonian streams—though there is one intriguing shot of Mount Alexander under snow, and one of Forest Creek in flood, looking like a pretty respectable river. The exhibition tries to capture the particular spirit of our modest mountains, creeks and dams, and some of the flora and fauna that give them their own character, from dawn to dusk.
Like any other part of the world, our country is defined by its uplands and the waterways they source. Mount Alexander, Mount Tarrengower, the Fryers and Porcupine Ridges, and the rivers and streams flowing from them, are key reference points, and there aren’t many places in the shire where you can’t look up and see one of those high places, or look down at one of the streams draining from them. The FOBIF exhibition presents glimpses of places familiar to all of us, but from angles we may not have seen.
The exhibition is running from 25 August till 28 September at Togs Café in Castlemaine.

Darter (Anhinga). Cairn Curran. Photo by Mitchell Parker, July 2017. One of the 22 photos in the exhibition.
The sixteen photographers whose work is included in the show are Janet Barker, Pam Connell, John Ellis, Frank Forster, Geraldine Harris, Patrick Kavanagh, Damian Kelly, Noel Muller, Alex Panelli, Geoff Park, Mitchell Parker, Harley Parker, Bronwyn Silver, Bernard Slattery, Richard Sullivan and Noel Young.
Thanks to everyone that participated in this project.