The Victorian Environment Assessment Council has opened an investigation into the public forests of the central west area. These include the Wombat, the Wellsford and the Pyrenees forests. All these were proposed for logging under Vicforests Forest utilisation plan 2017.
The purpose of the VEAC investigation is to:
- a) identify and evaluate the condition, natural and biodiversity values and cultural, social and economic values and the current uses of public land in the specified area; and
- b) make recommendations for the balanced use and appropriate management arrangements to conserve and enhance the natural and cultural values.
Submissions to the investigation are invited until 21 August 2017. They can be sent to To make an online submission click here
Drop-in community forums will be held in locations in or near the investigation area in July 2017. Details will be provided shortly.
A draft proposals paper and a final report are to be prepared, with the final report due by March 2019.