Ian Higgins led 18 people on a terrific walk along Campbells Creek last Sunday on the fourth FOBIF excursion for the year. The group joined the walking and cycling track at the back of Tonks in Lewis Drive, followed the track for several kilometres and then crossed the creek heading back through varied landscapes to the starting point.
Ian has been a driving force in the regeneration of this area as part of Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare over a number of decades. He gave an account of its history, identifying what had been planted, the progress of the plantings, and weeds that had been tackled. The efforts of many people have achieved a remarkable transformation of public land that used to be inaccessible, weed infested, and used for private grazing and rubbish dumping. McKenzies Hill Landcare Group has also been part of this project.
There were many highlights in the morning including the female flower of the Drooping She-oak and numerous large Hakeas in bloom.

Left, Female flower of Drooping She-oak, photo by Frances Cincotta. Right, Bushy Needlewood, photo by Noel Young.
The following photos were taken by Noel Young.
- Chilean Needle Grass
The next walk on 16 July will be through Faraday, taking in some interesting vegetation corridors with lovely remnant trees, and the shire’s only stand of Narrow-leaved Peppermints Eucalyptus radiata. Easy walking, about 7 km. For more information contact Bernard Slattery on 5470 5161.