Sitting quietly in my garden I get to watch Silvereyes as they go about their foraging. These beautiful little birds are quite common in local gardens. If you remain still you can often be rewarded with very close views. Silvereyes will happily utilise a variety of resources in gardens – both native and introduced. As can be seen from the first photo this bird is enjoying the foliage of a plum tree currently flowering in my garden. As well, they have taken a liking to my compost heap for some reason, especially when a new pile of weeds is added to the heap.
My patience was rewarded on a recent warm day when the Silvereyes, after spending a hard time working over the plum blossoms then proceeded to one of my water bowls and had a pleasant time bathing, letting me get some interesting shots.
My pleasant time was disturbed by alarm calls of New Holland Honeyeaters and I scanned the skies, half-expecting to see the resident Goshawk plying her trade. However, this time my attention was diverted to a movement on the ground near a garden hose, and what did I see? A brown snake cruising along. Lots of nature can be seen even in gardens close to the centre of town.