
The endearing creature below is a Peron’s Tree Frog, sometimes uncharitably called the Maniacal Cackle Frog, owing to its distinctive ‘machine gun’ cackle. It’s not uncommon for frogs to be seen in household gardens in our district, and for that reason alone North Central Waterwatch’s recent publication Frogs Field Guide is welcome. It contains detailed info on the twelve species of indigenous frogs known in the region, and systematic and helpful advice on how to recognise them.

The little booklet isn’t only informative, it’s very readable as well. Each frog has a double page of info, including notes on habitat, breeding habits, conservation, and an ‘interesting facts’ section. It can be obtained from the Connecting Country office at the Hub, on the corner of Templeton and Barker Streets in Castlemaine–and it’s free.

Peron's Tree Frog in a household garden at Golden Point. Photo: John Ellis, February 2012

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