Yoorrook Justice Commission tonight on Four Corners

The important work of the Yoorrook Justice Commission is the first formal truth-telling process into historical and ongoing injustices experienced by First Peoples in Victoria.

Tonight Four Corners gives an insight into the Yoorrook Justice Commission. You can watch it on the ABC Monday 24 March at 8.30pm, or later on  https://iview.abc.net.au/show/four-corners .

First Peoples & descendants of early colonial figures reflect on their ancestor’s legacies & shared their truth with the Yoorrook Commissioners.

 From the beginning of colonisation in Victoria, unique insights into key moments in time – from early massacres to the passing of harmful legislation, as well as the strength, resistance and achievements of Victoria’s First Peoples are shared.

The truth of the past, and how this connects with the present, is vital to our future.

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Dja Dja Wurrung Seasons

In 2022, a few of us on the FOBIF committee collaborated with Uncle Rick Nelson to develop a seasonal calendar for the Mount Alexander region by providing some of the ecological background. The seasons have now been printed onto tea towels, postcards and posters, accompanied by the stunning artwork of Daikota Nelson. A limited supply is now available at the Castlemaine Information Center and all proceeds go to Daikota and Uncle Rick. The seasons can also be viewed on the Council website here

Dja Dja Wurrung Seasons tea towel, now available at the Castlemaine Information Center

When Europeans first arrived in Australia, they transplanted their traditional concept of the four seasons that had been developed in the northern hemisphere over millennia. But the continent of Australia is a vastly different place to Europe, with different weather patterns and unique species of plants and animals. One of the most striking differences can be found in autumn, which in Europe arrives as the deciduous trees begin to lose their leaves before the cold winter arrives. But in the Australian bush, there are very few native deciduous trees, so the concept of autumn is not so relevant. Similarly, winter in much of Europe is a very cold time when many animals hibernate. But in southern Australia, this is a very productive time when many animals breed and plants flower.

First Nations people have their own calendars, which are closely tied to the life cycles of local plants and animals. The Dja Dja Wurrung recognise at least six seasons, illustrating how different the local weather and ecology are from Europe.

Dja Dja Wurrung Seasons poster, now available at the Castlemaine Information Center



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Fryers Ridge Nature Conservation Reserve Walk

After the long dry summer, Frances Cincotta got lucky with the weather for the first FOBIF walk of 2025.  The group enjoyed seeing the bush soak up the cool air and gentle rain in a 5 km circuit along the Fryers Ridge Road and Antonios Track through the Fryers Forest.
Although the diverse shrub layer was showing all the stresses of the last few weeks, the rapidly responding mosses and lichens were a highlight, almost visibly expanding to absorb the welcome showers.
We saw a large flock of Whitebrowed Wood Swallows, and dense clouds of swarming termites along the track nearby. The rain may have provoked both events. According to Simpson and Day, flying insects are the swallows’ main diet and the birds cluster and roost closely together after a marked fall in temperature such as we saw on Sunday.
Deirdre Slattery

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Victorian and Mount Alexander 2051 Housing Targets

In late February, the Victorian Labor Government finalised its housing targets for 2051. The target is for the development of 2.24 million more homes for Victoria, which would nearly double the current number of homes for the state. 

For Mount Alexander, the target is for approximately 4,500 new homes before 2051, on top of the existing number of approximately 9000 (a 50% increase). To put that into perspective, in 23-24 financial year, there were 111 new homes approved for the Shire. Based on the 2051 target, there would be on average somewhere around 170-180 new homes approved every year. Locals would have noticed how rapidly the Shire has grown in the last few years and the pressure that has put on many services. Just imagine what this kind of growth would look and feel like. 

The most alarming aspect of the governments approach is its threats to local Councils to change their local planning schemes to open land up for development. Taken from Premier Jacinta Allan’s webpage:

“It’s up to councils to work together with Government and industry to unlock this capacity in a way that’s right for the community. But if councils have no interest in doing so, there will be consequences. The landmark Plan for Victoria, to be released soon, will contain a declaration that Government will hold councils accountable with explicit directions to change planning schemes if they are not providing enough housing capacity – and, if required, the Government will step in to update planning schemes. It means that if councils don’t start doing the planning work now to meet these targets, the Government will intervene and unlock space for more homes – including through rezoning. The Minister for Planning will also retain her powers to intervene or fast-track developments.”

Woah, hang on a minute, can the State Government even do that?! Well apparently they can – in 2023, new reforms were introduced that allow the State Government to override councils to meet housing targets, so this has obviously been planned for a few years.

It is widely acknowledged that if we are to heave any chance at addressing the biodiversity and climate crisis, we need to drastically reduce land clearing. But if you look around our Shire, it is very obvious that a 50% increase in the number of houses would require huge amounts of land clearing – destruction of native vegetation and wildlife habitat. We just don’t have enough bare paddocks to accommodate so many houses. What we do have are extensive areas of bushland and a network of important biodiversity corridors, all that would be at great risk from such rapid development.

Local planning schemes have long played a pivotal role in putting the breaks on development and protecting important natural areas, including through zoning and the placement of Environmental Significance Overlays. The Government’s threat to throw all that out the window to allow unhindered development makes a mockery of all their other policies about tackling climate change and environmental protection. Yes, we have a housing crisis which urgently needs addressing, but there are many other ways that this can be addressed that would not involve such irreversible destruction to our natural heritage.

FOBIF will be writing a submission to the State Government on this issue and will continue to advocate for more appropriate planning and development in our region.

Aerial photo of Castlemaine, showing the current matrix of bushland and habitat corridors surrounding the town.


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Have your say on nature strip plantings

Our nature strips could host much more nature, such as our local Sticky Everlasting Daisy, beloved by butterflies
Mount Alexander Shire has put out draft guidelines for what we can and can’t plant on our nature strips.  
The guidelines are quite restrictive about what residents can do.  Without a permit you can only plant grasses and  strappy plants (native or exotic).  With a permit plants can be no higher than 60cm and there are various other restrictions such as the use of spiky or prickly plants is prohibited.   The deadline for submissions is 17th March. 
Have your say!
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First walk for the year

This Sunday 16 March Frances Cincotta will lead a walk in the Fryers Ridge Nature Conservation Reserve. The walk is only 5km, in case of very hot weather and is all on wide, well-formed tracks, with some up and down but nothing steep. Bring morning tea and lunch. We will get back to Castlemaine approximately 1.30pm.

If you live near Taradale you may like to meet us at the entrance to Roderick Street off the Calder Hwy at Taradale, opposite Ox-Art HQ, at 9.45am. Otherwise meet at front of Continuing Ed in Templeton Street Castlemaine as usual, at 9.20am, to organise car pooling and leave promptly at 9.30am.Frances 0491 108 766

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Alison Pouliot book launch: Funga Obscura

Alison’s latest book is about fungi, and the photography of fungi. The title, Funga Obscura, unites the two.

Alison Pouliot

Beginning in elemental landscapes of ice and rock, the book traces the evolutionary path of fungi as enablers of life on land and creators of soils and forests.

Crossing continents and ecosystems, we navigate lichen-covered landscapes, crawl in the fungal undergrowth, scale glacial extremes and duck between rainforest shadows.

Everyone is welcome at the launch and there is not charge but please register. You will hear some stories of her travels in the photographing and writing of the book, and enjoy a glass of bubbles.



TIME: 6:30PM–8:00PM

Funga Obscura and Alison’s previous titles will be available for purchase.

A selection of Alison’s fungi photos below. 

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Farewelling two FOBIF committe members & invitation to join the committee

We want to thank two members of our committee, who are both leaving due to personal commitments. Asha Bannon joined the committee in 2023 is a former Landcare coordinator and NCCMA employee. She was a valued committee member who contributed to FOBIF a broad range of knowledge and experience. Cassia Read brought her expertise as an ecologist, educator, garden designer & Moss book colaborator, to FOBIF over a number of years.

We invite anyone who is interested in joining us, to get in touch; we meet each monthly for one hour. 

We are also looking for a Treasurer and are happy to support you in this role (no previous experience necessary, apart from the ability to work a calculator!).

Committee members play a critical role in furthering the goals of the organization, ensuring the forests are well-protected and fostering strong community involvement in local environmental issues.

Call Lisa Hall, Secretary 0488 102 191 or email info@fobif.org.au

Castlemaine spider orchid, photo by Noel Young

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Workshop on culture, white privilege and racism (14 free spots available)

The FOBIF committee will be participating in a workshop with John Bonnice (Co-Chair of the Bendigo Reconciliation Committee) on Thursday 13th March at 10am in McKenzie Hill. The workshop takes 2.5 hours.

We have free spots available for the first 14 people to email us on info@fobif.org.au.

  • This workshop emerged from feedback from Aboriginal colleagues that groups/organisations need to promote self-reflection within staff regarding their attitudes and beliefs surrounding white privilege and racism as these beliefs and attitudes were a barrier to the partnership work with Aboriginal people and organisations. It was also expressed that non-Aboriginal people needed to carry responsibility for this conversation.

    The aim of the workshop is to enable people/groups/organisations to reflect on mainstream culture/white privilege/racism and its impact on the relationship and work with Aboriginal people and communities and our understanding of what has happened/is happening for First Nations people.

  • The workshops are a conversation using a self-reflection process
  • It is not cultural awareness training but does certainly help people prepare for cultural awareness training and further learning.
  • The workshop works best when it is done in person and not online.Sedimentary rock. Photo by Frances Cincotta 
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Remembering Richard Piesse

We remember Richard Piesse,

Champion Castlemaine Naturalist and Volunteer

Saturday 15th February, 3-5pm.

Tea Rooms, Castlemaine Botanical Gardens

You are invited to join with the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club and staff and volunteers from the Castlemaine Visitor Information Centre for an informal gathering to remember Richard Piesse, who died on 28th December, 2024.

Richard was a long-term active member of CFNC and loyal volunteer with the Castlemaine Visitor Information Centre. He knew our bushlands well through managing the building of the Leanganook as well as the Lerderderg tracks of the Great Dividing Trail Network, and his knowledge of the flora of the region was extraordinary. He was a generous and kind mentor and a passionate advocate for our local bush.

Please join us to share memories of and to celebrate Richard’s life and contributions over afternoon tea. Afterwards, there will be an option for a walk in the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens Nature Reserve, one of the many bushlands that has benefitted from Richard’s efforts.


Meet: Saturday 15th February, 3-5pm, Tea Rooms, Castlemaine Botanical Gardens.

Parking: First car park along Downes Rd from Walker St.

Bring a small plate to share for afternoon tea. Tea and coffee will be provided.

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